
Users of Pinnako can earn $esPIKO tokens through the referral-to-earn feature by meeting the following requirements:

Invite to Earn

$esPIKO Allocation

Users can obtain an $esPIKO reward allocation based on their own rebates percentage when they create a PID for the first time or when their invitee completes contract-related interactions.

1. Suppose A invites B, the following actions can result in an $esPIKO allocation:

How A obtains the allocation:

  • B claims rewards through Trade to Earn (A receives allocation based on their own rebates percentage)

  • B claims rewards through PIKO LP & PLP Stake (A receives allocation based on their own rebates percentage)

2. How B, the invitee, obtains the allocation:

  • B mints their own PID

Unlocking the $esPIKO reward allocation

Each time a user increases their Points, they can unlock a certain $esPIKO allocation, which they can claim immediately.

Last updated