Trade to Earn
Pinnako's "Trade to Earn" Program
Timeframe of the Event
Every day, from 00:00 UTC until 00:00 UTC the following day, trading activities are tracked and analyzed for our "Trade to Earn" program.
How it Works
All trading transactions on the Pinnako platform within the specified timeframe are recorded per user. After the trading day concludes, users are eligible to claim a share of **** $esPIKO from a dedicated pool. The share you're eligible to claim corresponds to the proportion of your trading volume relative to the total volume traded on the platform that day.
Suppose you trade $1,000,000 worth of volume on the Pinnako platform within a day. The total volume traded on the platform that day is $10,000,000. In this scenario, the value of your trades represents 10% of the total volume. Consequently, you are eligible to claim 10% of the ** $esPIKO reward, which equates to * $esPIKO!
Benefits and Rewards
Participation in the "Trade to Earn" program not only entitles you to claim $esPIKO rewards but also offers additional perks if you possess a higher PID level. With an elevated PID level, you're eligible for discounts that can be claimed after opening/closing a trade in the PID section of the DApp.
Therefore, trading on Pinnako not only allows you to enjoy cost reductions through PLP rebates but also offers you the opportunity to claim $esPIKO rewards. Experience a more rewarding trading environment with Pinnako's "Trade to Earn" program!
Last updated